SEO Content Audit: A Step-By-Step Guide

Sidra Condron
August 16, 2024
8 min read

Just like how your car needs regular check-ups and maintenance, your content can use an audit to keep it running at top condition. Though it relies on multiple steps, an SEO audit itself if a powerful tool to boost your site's performance. In this guide, we will explain what’s involved in an SEO site audit and break down the steps so you can do them on your own.

What is an SEO Content Audit?

An SEO content audit is a comprehensive review of all the pages on your site and how effective they are from an SEO perspective. This process involves examining everything from blog posts to product pages, the content on them and the way the pages are structured. You will review content quality, relevance, SEO optimization, and technical performance.

The purpose? To ensure your website is in top shape, both for search engines and your audience. A well-executed audit can lead to improved rankings, enhanced user experience, and increased traffic. You won’t just fix what's broken; you will optimize what's working and identify new opportunities for growth.

Why Perform an SEO Content Audit?

  1. Identify Weaknesses
  2. An audit helps you spot underperforming content. Maybe that blog post you were sure would be a hit is barely getting any views. Or perhaps a key product page has a high bounce rate. Identifying these weak spots is the first step to improvement.
  3. Uncover Opportunities
  4. While finding weaknesses, you'll also discover potential goldmines. You might find a blog post that's ranking well for an unexpected keyword, opening up new content ideas. Or you could spot gaps in your content that, when filled, could attract more traffic.
  5. Align Content with Goals
  6. As businesses evolve, so do their objectives. An audit ensures your content aligns with your current business goals. It helps you focus your efforts on content that drives the results you're after, whether that's lead generation, sales, or brand awareness.
  7. Enhance User Experience
  8. At the end of the day, your content is for your users. An audit helps you create more valuable and engaging content by understanding what resonates with your audience. This leads to longer site visits, lower bounce rates, and ultimately, more conversions.

Preparing for an SEO Content Audit

Are you revving to go now? (See, I’m making that car metaphor do some work for me.) Those benefits—especially the potential traffic—should have you amped up to get started. But first, you have to lay some groundwork. Here's how to prepare:

Set Clear Objectives

Take a moment to establish what you hope to get out of this audit. Are you looking to increase organic traffic? Improve conversion rates? And it might even change when you discover bigger issues during the audit. (Those bounce rates are destroying your landing page conversions!) Having clear objectives will guide your audit process and help you measure success.

Gather Necessary Tools

You'll need a toolkit to conduct an effective audit. Some essential tools include:

  • Google Analytics for traffic and user behavior data
  • Google Search Console for search performance insights
  • Ahrefs for backlink analysis
  • SpyFu for keyword analysis and rank movement
  • Screaming Frog for crawling your site for errors

Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting an SEO Content Audit

Now that you're prepared, let's walk through the audit process.

Step 1: Content Inventory and Audit

Start by gathering all your URLs. Tools like Screaming Frog can crawl your site and compile a list for you. Drop the data into a spreadsheet and include publish date, content type, and target keywords. Next, categorize your content into types like blog posts, landing pages, and product pages.

For each URL, collect key metrics such as:

  • Page views
  • Bounce rate
  • Time on page
  • Organic traffic
  • Conversion rate (if applicable)

This data will form the basis of your performance analysis.

Step 2: Analyzing Content Performance

With your data in hand, it's time to evaluate performance. Look for patterns:

  1. Identify your top-performing content. What makes these pages successful? Is it the topic, the format, or perhaps the promotional strategy? Note it in your spreadsheet so you can see patterns that emerge across top performers.
  2. Spot underperforming content. High bounce rates or low engagement could indicate issues with relevance, quality, or user experience. Flag these for later.
  3. Look for trends. Are certain types of content consistently performing better than others?

This analysis will guide your content strategy moving forward.

Step 3: Content Quality and Relevance

Quality content is becoming the stand-out quality in what wins the battle on the SERPs Google repeatedly pushes for helpful, quality content, and your readers want it, too.

  1. Evaluate content quality. Is it relevant, accurate, and thorough? What other points could it cover in the topic that it doesn’t cover already?
  2. Update outdated content. Refresh old statistics, add new information, and make sure your ideas are fresh. It’s also a good time to re-read passages that could use clarity or rewrites.
  3. Check for duplicates. Ensure each piece of content on your site is unique to avoid cannibalization issues.

Well written content gets its message across clearly. That doesn’t always mean that it’s basic or written without getting into the weeds. Some topics take more exploration, especially in medical articles or legal explanations. However, examples and plain language can help the reader follow along and stay engaged.

Step 4: On-Page SEO Elements

Now, dive into the technical aspects of your content's SEO. Review:

  1. Meta tags: Are your title tags and meta descriptions optimized for both users and search engines? Good meta descriptions make the searcher want to click through.
  2. Headings: Is there proper use of H1, H2, and other heading tags to structure your content? They should be nested and organized with H3s supporting every H2.
  3. Keywords: Analyze keyword usage and density. You should be targeting keywords and their supporting, related terms without unnaturally stuffing them in.
  4. Internal linking: Evaluate your internal link structure. Are you effectively guiding users (and search engines) through your site?

Step 5: Technical SEO Audit

Technical SEO doesn’t need to be scary. User-friendly tools make it more accessible than ever That includes ways to measure, troubleshoot, and fix these elements.

  1. Site speed: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to measure and improve loading times.
  2. Mobile-friendliness: Google Search Console is a strong resource to get an objective look at how your site performs on mobile devices.
  3. URL structure: Check that your URLs are simple, descriptive, and SEO-friendly. If you change any URL’s, be sure to 301 redirect the old to the new.
  4. Indexing issues: Use Google Search Console to identify and fix any indexing problems.

Step 6: Competitive Analysis

Benchmark where you stand in relation to your competitors. It helps you measure growth and determine your strategy.

  1. Drill into competitor content: Use tools like SpyFu to compare your content performance with that of your competitors.
  2. Identify gaps: Are there topics or content types your competitors are succeeding with that you're missing?
  3. Develop strategies for improvement: Topical gaps are one thing, but you will also need to improve your existing content that is falling behind your competition. Treat these separately.

Tools and Resources for SEO Content Audit

Equip yourself with the right tools to make your audit efficient and effective:

  1. SEO audit tools: SpyFu, Ahrefs, and Moz offer comprehensive SEO analysis features.
  2. Content management tools: If you're using WordPress, plugins like Yoast SEO can be invaluable. For other platforms, look into content analysis tools that integrate with your CMS.
  3. Analytics tools: Google Analytics and Search Console are must-haves for any serious SEO effort.

Post-Audit Actions

Your audit is complete. Now what?

  1. Content optimization: Use your findings to revamp underperforming content so you can gain ground on your competitors. Remember to approach existing content improvements differently than new content creation for topical gaps.
  2. Create an action plan: Develop a step-by-step implementation strategy based on your audit results. This helps you to delegate projects if you can, or prioritize smaller steps when you break them down for smaller teams.
  3. Monitor progress: Regularly track improvements and ongoing performance. SEO is not a one-time effort but a continuous process of optimization.
  4. Document: Keep notes on what you learned and what you changed. If you do audits regularly, it will become a helpful reference doc to track any big wins or replicate steps.

Remember, an SEO content audit is not a one-off task. Make it a regular part of your SEO strategy to ensure your website continues to perform at its best. By consistently analyzing and improving your content, you'll stay ahead of the competition and keep climbing those search engine rankings.